Hello! I'm Denny. I started learning web development in August 2022, which is the start of the pandemic. I have nothing much to do so I decided to learn web development from Catamyst X CodePolitan , then started watching videos on youtube and read a lot of articles to explore more about web development especially frontend development.
There are a lot of things and technologies to learn in frontend development and I am motivated to learn as much as possible. I enjoy learning something new and getting feedback to make myself better and improve.
On this website I will write several blogs and showcase my projects. I believe that by posting my work it is the best way to share my knowledge along the way. So give me a call and I'll be happy to help!
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
Here's a list of tools I use for my day to day work. I'll try to always update this list so it reflects the current tools I'm using at the moment.